سُــورَة ُالواقعة
أعُــوذ بالله من الـشّــيْــطــان الـرّجـيــم * باسْــم اللّـــه الـرّحْــمـــن الـرّحـيــم
I take refuge with Allah from the accursed Saytan* In the Name of Allah, All-Merciful, Most Merciful* When
* إذا وقـعـت الـْواقـعة (1) لـيْــس لـوقـعــتـهــا كــاذبــة (2) خــافــضـة رّافــعــة (3) اذا
the Great Event occurs (1) none will deny its occurrence (2) bringing low,raising high (3) When The earth
رُجّـت الارْضُ رجّــا(4) وبُـسّــت الْجـبال بــسّـا(5) فـكانـت هـباء مّـنْـبـثـا(6) وكُـنْـتـمُ,
is convulsed (4) and the mountains are crushed (5) and become scattered dust in the air (6) and you will
أزْواجـا ثـلا ثـة(7) فـأ صْـحــابُ الـْـمــيْــمــنــة (8) مــا أ صْـحـابُ الـْـمـيْـمـنـة (9)
be classed into three (7) The Companions of the Right (8) What of the Companions of the Right? (9) And
وأصْـحابُ الـْمشْـئـمة(10) مـا أصْـحابُ الـْـمـشْـئـمـة(11) والسّـابـقـون السّـابـقون(12)
The Companions of the Left (10) What of the Companions of the Left? (11) And the Forerunnners, the Forerunners (12)
أولــئك الـمُـقـربُـون(13) في جـنـّات الـنّعـيـم(14) ثـُـلـّة مّن الا ولـيـن(15) وقـليـل مّن
Those are the ones brought Near (13) in the Gardens of Delight (14) A large group of the earlier people
(15) but few of
الاخـريــن(16) عـلى سُـرُر مّـوْضُــونـة (17) مّـتّـكـئيـــن عـلـيْـهــا مّـتــقــابـلـيــن(18)
the later ones (16) On sumptuous woven couches (17) reclining on them face to face (18)There will circulate
يـطـُــوفُ عـلـيْــهـمْ ولْــدانٌ مّــخـلـّــدُون(19) بـأ كـْــواب وأبــاريـــق(20) وكــأس مّـن
among them, ageless youths (19) carrying goblets and decanters (20) and a cup from flowing spring (21)
مّـعـيــن(21) لا يُـصـدّعُــون عـنْـهــا ولا يُـنْـزفــون(22) وفاكهـة مّـمّـا يـتـخـيّـرُون(23)
it does not give them any headache nor does it leave them stupefied (22) And any fruit they specify (23)
ولـحْـم طـيْـرمّـمّـا يـشْـتـهُــون(24) وحُـورٌ عـيــنٌ كـأمْـثـال اللّـؤْ لـُـؤ الـمـكـْـنـُـون(25)
and any bird-meat they desire (24) And dark-eyed maidens like hidden pearls (25)
جــزاء بـمــا كــانـُــواْ يـعْــمـلـُــون(26) لا يـسْـمـعُــون فـيـهــا لـغـوا ولا تـاثـيــمـا(27)
As recompense for what they did (26) They will hear no prattling in it nor any word of wrong (27)
إلاّ قـيــلا سـلامـا سـلامــا(28) وأصْــحــابُ الْــيـمـيـــن مــا أصْـحــابُ الْــيـمـيـــن(29)
All that is said is, ‘Peace! Peace!’(14) and the companions of the right, what of the companions of the right
في سـدْر مّـخْـضُـود(30) وطـلـح مّـنْـضُـود(31) وظـلّ مّـمْـدُود(32) ومـاء مّـسْـكُــوب(33)
Amid thornless lote-trees(30)and fruit-laden acacias(31)and wide-spreading shade(32)and outpouring water
وفـاكـهـة كـثـيــرة(34) لاّ مـقــطـُـوعة ولا ممْــنـُـوعة (35) وفـرُش مّـرفــُوعـة (36)
(33) and fruits in abundance (34) never failing, unrestricted (35) and on elevated couches (36)
إنّـا أنْــشـأنـاهُـنّ إنْــشــاء(37)فـجـعــلْـنـاهُـنّ أبْـكـارا(38)عُــرُبـا أتْـرابـا(39) لأصْـحـاب
We have brought maidens into being (37) and made them purest virgins (38) devoted, passionate of like age (39) for the Companions of the Right (40)
الْـيـميـن(40) ثـُـلـّة ٌمّن الاوّ لـيـن(41) وثـُـلـّـة ٌمّن الا خـريــن(42)وأصْـحـابُ الـشّــمـال
A large group of the earlier people(41)and a large group of the later one(42)And the Companions of the Left
(43) مــا أصْـحـابُ الـشّـمـال (44) في سـمُــوم وحـمـيــم (45) وظــلّ مّـن يـحْـمُــوم(46)
(43)What of the Companions of the left? (44) Amid searing blasts and scalding water (45) and the murk of thick black smoke (46)
لابـارد ولا كـريــم (47) إنّـهُــمْ كـانـُـواْ قـبْــل ذالـك مُـتـْـرفـيــن(48) وكـانُــواْ يُـصـرون
Providing no coolness and no pleasure (47) Before that they were living in luxury (48) persisting in immense
على الْـحـنْــث الـْعـظـيــم(49) وكانُـواْ يـقـُولـُون أئـذا مـتْــنـا وكـُـنّـا تـُرابا وعـظـاما إنّــا
wrongdoing (49) and saying: When we are dead and turned to dust and bones, shall we then be raised again(50)
لـمبْـعُـوثـون(50) أوا بـا ؤنا الا ولـُـون(51) قـل انّ الا ولـيـن والا خـريـن لمجْـمُوعُــون
or our forefathers, the earlier peoples? (51)Say: ‘The earlier and the later peoples will all be gathered (52)
(52) إلى ميـقـات يوْم مّعْـلـُوم(53) ثـمّ إنّـكُـمُ, أيّها الضّـالـّون الْـمُكـذبُـون(54)لا كلـُون منْ
to the appointment of a specified Day (53) Then you misguided, you deniers(54)will eat from the infernal tree
شجـرمّـنْ زقــوم(55) فـمـالـئـُون منْها الْـبُطـُـون(56) فـشـاربُـون عـلـيْـه من الـْحميم(57)
(of Zaqqum) (55) filling your stomachs with it (56) and drink scalding water on top of it (57)
فـشـاربُـون شُـرْب الْـهـيـم(58)هـذا نـُـزلهُـمْ يـوْم الـدّيــن(59) نحْــنُ خـلـقـنـاكـُمْ* فــلـولا
slurping like thirst-crazed camels (58) This will be their hospitality on the Day of the Judgement (59) We created you *
تـُصـدّقــون(60)أفـرايْــتـمْ مّـاتـُمْـنـُـون(61)ا نـتـمْ تـخْــلـقـونهُ, أمْ نـحْـنُ الْـخـالـقــون(62)
So why you not confirm the truth? (60) Have you thought about the sperm that you ejaculated? (61) Is it you who create it or are We the Creator? (62)
نحْنُ قـدّرنـا بـيْـنكـُمُ الـموْت وما نحْـنُ بـمـسْـبُـوقـيـن(63) عـلى أ نْ نـُبـدّ ل أمْـثــالـكـُمْ
We have decreed death for you and We will not be forestalled (63) in replacing you and reforming you
ونـُنْـشـئكـُمْ في مالا تـعْـلمُون(64) ولقـدْ عـلمْـتـُمُ الـنـشْـأة الا ُولى* فـلولا تـذكـرُون(65)
in a way you know nothing about (64) You have known the first formation. So will you not pay heed? (65)
أفـرا يْـتـمْ مّـاتـحْـرُثـون(66) ا نْـتـمْ تـزْرعُـونهُ, أمْ نـحْـنُ الـزّارعُــون(67) لـوْ نــشــاءُ
Have you thought about what you cultivate? (66)Is it you who make it germinate or are We the Germinator? (67) If We wished
لجعـلـنـاهُ حُـطاما فــظـلْـتـُمْ تـفـكـّهُـون(68)إنّـا لـمُغـرمُـون(69) بـلْ نحْـنُ محْـرُومُـون(70)
We could have made it broken stubble. You would then be left devoid of crops, distraught (68) We are ruined (69) in fact we are destitute! (70)
أفرايْـتـُمُ الْماء الّذي تـشْـربُـون(71)ا نْـتـمُ, أنْـزلْـتـمُوهُ من الْمُزْن أمْ نحْـنُ الْـمُنْـزلون
Have you thought about the water that you drink? (71) Is it you who sent it down from clouds, or are We the
(72) لوْ نشـاءُ جعـلْـنـاهُ أجاجا* فـلولا تـشـكُـرُون(73) أفـرايْـتـُمُ الـنّـارالّـتي تـُـورُون(74)
Sender? (72) If We wished We could have made it bitter, so will you not give thanks? (73) Have you thought about the fire that you light? (74)
ا نْـتـُمْ أنـشأ تـُمْ شجـرتهـا أمْ نحْـنُ الْـمُـنـشـئُـون(75) نحْـنُ جـعـلْـنـاهـا تـذكـرة ومـتـاعا
Is it you who make the trees that fuel it grow or are We the Grower (75)We have made it to be a reminder and
للـمُـقـويــن(76) فـسـبّحْ باسْـم ربّـك الْـعـظـيـم(77) فلا أقـسـمُ بـمـواقع الـنّجُـوم(78) وإنـّهُ,
a comfort for travellers in the wild (76) So glorify the name of your Lord the Magnificent (77) And I swear by the falling of the stars (78) and that is
لـقـسـمٌ لـوْ تـعْـلـمُـون عـظـيـمٌ (79) إنـّهُ, لـقــرانٌ كـريـمٌ (80) فـي كـتـاب مّـكـنـون(81)
a mighty oath if you only knew (79) it truly is a Noble Qur’an (80) in a well Protected book (81)
لا يمسّـهُ, إلا الْـمُـطهّـرُون (82) تـنْـزيـلٌ مّن رّب الْعـالـميـن(83)أفـبهـذا الْحديـث أنْـتـمْ
No one may touch it except the purified (82)Revelation sent down from the Lord of all worlds (83) Do you nonetheless regard this discourse
مّـدْهـنـُون(84) وتجْعـلـُون رزقـكـُمُ, أنّـكـُمْ تـُكـذبـُون(85) فـلولا إذا بلغـت الْحُـلـقــُوم(86)
with scorn(84)and think your provision depends on your denial?(85)Why then when death reaches his throat
وأنـتـُمْ حـيـنـئـذ تـنْـظـُرُون(87) ونحْنُ أقـربُ إلـيْه منْـكُمْ ولـكن لاّ تـُـبْـصـرُون(88) فـلولا
(86)and you are at that moment looking on (87) and we are nearer him than you but you cannot see (88) why then if you are not subject to Our command(89)
إنْ كـُـنـتـُمْ غـيْـرمـديـنـيـن(89) تـرْجـعُـونهــا إنْ كـُـنـتـُمْ صادقـيـن(90) فـأمّـا إن كان من
do you not send it back if you are telling the truth? (90) But the truth is that if he is one of Those brought near
الْـمُـقـرّبـيـن(91) فـروْح وريْحانٌ وجـنّة نعـيـم(92) وأمّا إن كان من اصْحاب الْـيميـن(93)
(91) there is solace and sweetness and a Garden of Delight (92) And if he is one of the Companions of the right
فـسـلام لّـك من اصْحــاب الْـيميــن(94) وأمّــا إن كـان من الْـمُـكذبـيــن الضّـالـيـن(95)
(93)Peace be upon you from the Companions of the Right (94) And if he is one of the misguided deniers (95)
فــنــُزُلٌ مّنْ حـميــم (96) وتـصْـلـيـة جـحـيــم(97) إنّ هـــذا لـهُــو حـقّ الْــيـقـيـــن(98)
hamimiw wataSliyatu Jaheem * Inna haathaa lahuwa haqqul -yaqeeen *
there is hospitality of scalding water (96) and roasting in the Blazing Fire (97) This is indeed the Truth of
فــســبّـحْ باسْــم ربّـك الْــعــظــيــــــــم (99) صـدق الله الْـعـظـيــم *
Certainty (98)So glorify the Name of your Lord the Magnificent! (99)Allah the Magnificent has said the truth *