لاَ إِلاَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهْ اَللَّهْ اَللَّهْ
لاَ إِلاَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهْ شرعنا هو القران
نار الشوق أحرقتني
ولربي شوقتني
للجمال أخضعتني
فاعتبراً يا إنسان
شربت من الصفاء
كؤوسا من البهاء
فذقت سر الفناء
وتم لي الإيقان
لا يذوق طعم الحب
إلا عارف لربي
بشرى من فاز بقرب
وانجلت له الأكوان
تجلى الحب لقلبي
فاحتسيت كأس الحب
أنا عاشق لربي
هو الرحيم الرحمان
La ilaaha illalah Allah Allah
La ilaaha illalah shar’una huwal qur’an
Naru shawqi ahraqatnee Allah Allah
Wa li Rabbi shawWaqatnee Allah Allah
Lil jamaali akhda’atnee
Fa’atabiran ya insaan
Sharibtu minal safaa’I Allah Allah
Koo’usan minal bahaa’I Allah Allah
Fadhuqtu sira l'fanaa’I
Wa tamma liya l'eeqan
La yadhooqu ta’ma l'hubbi Allah Allah
Illa aarifun li rabbi Allah Allah
Bushra man faaza bi qurbi
Wanjalat lahu l'akwaan
La yadhooqu ta’mal hubbi Allah Allah
Ila aarifu li rabbi Allah Allah
Bushra man faaza bi qurbi
Wanjalat lahul akwaan
Tajalaa l'hebbu li qalbee Allah Allah
Fahtasaytu ka’sal hubee Allah Allah
Ana aashaqun li rabbi
Huwal rraheemu Rahman
Transliteration Guide
ص | s |
س | s |
ذ | dh |
ه | h |
ح | h |
ظ | th |
ث | th |
There is no god but Allah Allah Allah
There is no god but Allah Our law is the Quran
The fire of longing burned me
And for my Lord I yearned
To beauty I surrendered
So take heed, O human
I drank from the purity
Cups of the splendor
I tasted the secret of annihilation
And certainty was granted to me
No one tastes the flavor of love
Except the knower of my Lord
Good news for the one who attained nearness
And the worlds were revealed to him
Love manifested to my heart
So I drank the cup of love
I am a lover of my Lord
He is the Merciful, the Compassionate